



Authentication is something you're probably gonna want to have in your application. This ensures users can register and log in to your application and see things that weirdo anons cannot.

You can also add Authorization, which is different than Authentication, and ensures that users can only access resources they are allowed to access. Superflare doesn't offer anything in terms of Authorization, but you can do whatever you want.

However, Superflare takes the stance that authentication should be built in, so it is.

Set up Authentication

To set up authentication, you need to do a few things:

  1. Add a User model (and a users table)
  2. Ensure you've created an instance of SuperflareSession
  3. Create an instance of SuperflareAuth (with a session) and pass it to a place your application code can access it during a request (like a Remix AppContext).
  4. Add some sort of /register and /login routes to your application so users can log in.


If you've created a Superflare app with npx superflare new, you should already have these requirements met! Go take a nap or something.

Register and Login pages

Superflare provides basic /register and /login routes and forms for you to use. You can use these as-is, or you can copy the code and modify it to your liking.

Protecting routes

You can protect routes by using the SuperflareAuth instance you created in your app's entrypoint. For the purpose of this example, we'll pretend you're using Remix, and that you've injected the SuperflareAuth instance into the AppContext as auth:

// routes/my-secret-route.tsx
export async function loader({ context: { auth } }: LoaderArgs) {
  // If the user is not logged in, redirect them to the login page
  if (!(await auth.check(User))) {
    return redirect("/login");

  const user = await auth.user(User);

  // If the user is logged in, show them the secret page
  return json({ message: `You're logged in, ${user.name}!` });

Logging out

To log out, you can use the SuperflareAuth instance's logout() method:

// routes/logout.tsx
export async function action({ context: { auth } }: LoaderArgs) {

  return redirect("/login");

SuperflareAuth API

check(model: typeof Model): Promise<boolean>

Checks if the user is logged in. Returns true if they are, false if they are not.

user(model: typeof Model): Promise<Model|null>

Returns the user model instance for the logged in user. If the user is not logged in, this will return null.

logout(): void

Logs the user out.

id(): string|null

Returns the ID of the logged in user. If the user is not logged in, this will return null.

login(model: typeof Model): void

Logs the user in. Mostly helpful on login actions, but you could use this for OAuth or third-party login flows.

attempt(model: typeof Model, credentials: {email: string, password: string}): Promise<boolean>

Attempts to log the user in with the given credentials. Returns true if the user was logged in, false if they were not.
