
Using Superflare



Events are a powerful way to tell other parts of your application that something changed. For example, you might want to alert a user when a long-running task has complete.

Superflare provides Events to emit changes to other parts of the application, and Listeners to subscribe to those events.

Imagine that you a file upload has finished processing. You might emit a FileProcessed event, and then a listener SendFileProcessedNotification could be used to alert the user via email or Slack that the file has been processed.

Defining Events

To create an event, use the generate command:

npx superflare generate event FileProcessed

This will create a new file in app/events/FileProcessed.ts:

import { Event } from "superflare";

export class FileProcessed extends Event {


You can update this class's constructor to accept any data you want to pass to the event:

export class FileProcessed extends Event {
  constructor(public file: File) {

Then, you can dispatch the event wherever it needs to be emitted in your application:


Defining Listeners

To create a listener, use the generate command:

npx superflare generate listener SendFileProcessedNotification

You can optionally pass the event class name with the --event flag:

npx superflare generate listener SendFileProcessedNotification --event FileProcessed

This will create a new file in app/listeners/SendFileProcessedNotification.ts:

import { Listener } from "superflare";
import { FileProcessed } from "~/events/FileProcessed";

export class SendFileProcessedNotification extends Listener {
  async handle(event: FileProcessed) {

You can update the handle method of your listener to do whatever you want to do when the event is dispatched.

Registering Listeners

You must register every listener in your superflare.config.ts file under the listeners key. Listeners belong in an array whose key is the string value of the event name:

import { defineConfig } from "superflare";
import { SendFileProcessedNotification } from "~/listeners/SendFileProcessedNotification";

export default defineConfig((ctx) => {
  return {
    // ...
    listeners: {
      FileProcessed: [SendFileProcessedNotification],

Dispatching Events

You can dispatch events from anywhere in your application. For example, you might dispatch an event when a user is created:

import { UserCreated } from "~/events/UserCreated";


Queuing Events

By default, events are dispatched synchronously. This means that if an event is dispatched from a controller, the controller will wait for the event to be handled before returning a response.

If you want to dispatch an event asynchronously, you can set the static shouldQueue = true property on the Event class:

export class UserCreated extends Event {
  static shouldQueue = true;

  constructor(public user: User) {

When an event is queued, it will be handled by a background job. This means that the controller will return a response immediately, and the event will be handled later.
