

Model Relationships

Superflare allows you to define relationships between your models. You can then use these relationships to query related models or add related models to a model.

Relationship Types

One to One

A one-to-one relationship is a relationship between two models where one model belongs to another model. For example, a User model might have a Profile model which belongs to the User model.

To define a one-to-one relationship, use the hasOne method:

import { Model } from "superflare";
import { Profile } from "./Profile";

export class User extends Model {
  profile!: Profile | Promise<Profile>;
  $profile() {
    return this.hasOne(Profile);

The first argument to the hasOne method is the model class of the related model. The second argument is the name of the foreign key on the related model. If you don't specify a foreign key, Superflare will use the name of the model followed by Id.

By default, Superflare does not load related models. You can load the relation on an existing instance by calling await on the relation property which matches the name of the relation definition:

const user = await User.find(1);

const profile = await user.profile;

// is the same as:
const profile = await user.$profile();

Once you have loaded the profile relation once, it will be cached on the profile property for future reference.

To define the inverse relationship, use the belongsTo method:

import { Model } from "superflare";

export class Profile extends Model {
  user!: User | Promise<User>;
  $user() {
    return this.belongsTo(User);

When invoking the $user() method or awaiting the user property, Superflare will attempt to find a Profile model with a userId that matches the id of the User model:

const profile = await Profile.find(1);

const user = await profile.user;

One to Many

A one-to-many relationship is a relationship between two models where one model has many related models. For example, a User model might have many Post models.

To define a one-to-many relationship, use the hasMany method:

import { Model } from "superflare";

export class User extends Model {
  posts!: Post[] | Promise<Post[]>;
  $posts() {
    return this.hasMany(Post);

You can then access the related models by awaiting the relation property:

const user = await User.find(1);

const posts = await user.posts;

for (const post of posts) {

To define the inverse relationship, use the belongsTo method:

import { Model } from "superflare";

export class Post extends Model {
  user!: User | Promise<User>;
  $user() {
    return this.belongsTo(User);

When invoking the $user() method or awaiting the user property, Superflare will attempt to find a Post model with a userId that matches the id of the User model:

const post = await Post.find(1);

const user = await post.user;

Many to Many (soon!)

A many-to-many relationship is a relationship between two models where one model has many related models and the related models have many models. For example, a Post model might have many Tag models and a Tag model might have many Post models.

The table structure for a many-to-many relationship is often referred to as a "join table." The join table contains two foreign keys which reference the primary keys of the two models. The join table might look like this:

  title TEXT NOT NULL,


CREATE TABLE post_tags (
  PRIMARY KEY (postId, tagId),
  FOREIGN KEY (postId) REFERENCES posts (id),
  FOREIGN KEY (tagId) REFERENCES tags (id)

To define a many-to-many relationship, use the belongsToMany method:

import { Model } from "superflare";

export class Post extends Model {
  tags!: Tag[] | Promise<Tag[]>;
  $tags() {
    return this.belongsToMany(Tag);

You can then access the related models by awaiting the relation property:

const post = await Post.find(1);

const tags = await post.tags;

for (const tag of tags) {

When invoking the $tags() method or awaiting the tags property, Superflare will check an intermediate table, often referred to as a "join table," for rows which have a postId that matches the id of the Post model. It will return all Tag models which have a id that matches the tagId of the join table rows.

To define the inverse relationship, use the belongsToMany method again:

import { Model } from "superflare";

export class Tag extends Model {
  posts!: Post[] | Promise<Post[]>;
  $posts() {
    return this.belongsToMany(Post);

Eager Loading

Superflare allows you to eager load related models. This is useful when you want to load related models without having to make multiple queries, a problem often referred to as "N + 1".

To eager load related models, use the with method:

const users = await User.with("profile").get();

You can also eager load multiple relations:

const users = await User.with("profile", "posts").get();

It is particularly important to eager-load related models when passing a model instance to a view.

Most front-end frameworks like Remix and Next.js will call JSON.stringify on the model instance, but this will not load related models automatically.

If you don't eager load the related models, the related data will not be available in your view:

import { User } from "~/models/User";
import { json } from "@remix-run/cloudflare";

export async function loader() {
  // ❌ The profile relation will not be loaded
  const user = await User.find(1);

  // ✅ This will load the profile relation for the view
  const user = await User.with("profile").find(1);

  return json({ user });

export default function UserView() {
  const user = useLoaderData().user;

  return (

The save Method

The save method is used to add new models to a relationship:

const user = await User.find(1);
const post = new Post({ title: "Hello World" });

await user.$posts().save(post);

You must use the $ prefixed relationship function definition when saving or creating related models.

The create Method

The create method is used to create and add new models to a relationship:

const user = await User.find(1);

await user.$posts().create({ title: "Hello World" });

Belongs To Relationships

If you'd like to assign a child model to a parent model, you can use the associate method:

const user = await User.find(1);
const profile = new Profile({ bio: "Hello World" });

await profile.save();

To remove the association, use the dissociate method:

await profile.save();

Migrations and Relationships

Superflare expects you to manually define migrations which map to your relationships. For example, if your Post mdoel belongsTo your User model, you would need to include a column for userId in a migration:

import { Schema } from "superflare";

export default () => {
  return Schema.create("posts", (table) => {
Getting Started