

Getting Started


The easiest way to start with Superflare is to spin up a brand-new project with the following command:

npx superflare@latest new

Superflare will ask you which bindings you'd like to use for D1, R2 and KV. It will also offer to create the bindings if you haven't already!

Once you get your project created, you can start a local development server with:

npx superflare dev

Remix + Superflare

You're in luck! I built a package to make it super-duper easy to get started with Superflare and Remix.

In an existing Remix app on the Cloudflare Workers adapter, run:

npm install @superflare/remix

Then, in your worker.ts file, import the handleFetch function from @superflare/remix, and import your local superflare.config.ts as config:

import { handleFetch } from "@superflare/remix";
import config from "./superflare.config";

export default {
  async fetch(request: Request, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
    // ...

    return handleFetch(request, env, ctx, config, remixHandler);

If you plan to use Queues, you'll also need to import the handleQueue function from superflare and handle that in your worker.ts file:

import { handleQueue } from 'superflare';
import config './superflare.config';

export default {
  // ...

  async queue(
    batch: MessageBatch,
    env: Env,
    ctx: ExecutionContext
  ): Promise<void[]> {
    return handleQueue(batch, env, ctx, config);

Behind the scenes, Superflare creates a cookie-based session storage for you and instantiates the Superflare request handler.

It also injects auth, session, env, and ctx to your AppContext which is available in your loaders and actions.

Cookie Monster

Superflare automatically commits your session data to the outgoing response's set-cookie header, so you don't need to worry about that like you do in a standard Remix app.

Workers vs Pages

I'd love to use Cloudflare Pages for all the things. It's a nice abstraction on top of Workers and it already supports a ton of existing frameworks.

Unfortunately, support for the latest and greatest things, like Queues, is delayed on Pages. For the time being, Superflare is designed for Workers. But I've definitely built it with Pages in mind and hope to switch to it as soon as I can!


Gosh I would love to use AsyncLocalStorage in Workers. It just landed, but I'm stuck behind a couple build issues in Remix, so I'm not leaning into it just yet.

However, when I can use it, we can reference per-request things like auth() and session() waaaay more easily. Just wait!

Hello, Superflare