
Using Superflare

Scheduled Tasks

Superflare allows you to integrate with Cloudflare's cron triggers feature to schedule your Workers to run at specific times.

Enabling Cron Triggers

To enable Cron Triggers on your app, you need to add the triggers#crons key to your wrangler.toml or wrangler.json file:

  "triggers": {
    "crons": ["* * * * *"]

This will tell Cloudflare to run your Worker every minute. This is a "set it and forget it" approach which allows you to define flexible scheduled tasks using Superflare in your codebase. However, you can also specify a more specific schedule, for example 0 0 * * * to run your Worker every day at midnight.

Defining Schedules

To define scheduled tasks, add a scheduled export to your worker.ts file which calls Superflare's handleScheduled:

import { handleScheduled } from "superflare";

export default {
  async scheduled(event: ScheduledEvent, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
    return await handleScheduled(event, env, ctx, config, (schedule) => {
      // Define your schedules here

  // fetch
  // queue

Scheduling Tasks

To schedule a task, call the run method on the schedule object passed to the callback function from handleScheduled function:

import { handleScheduled } from "superflare";

export default {
  async scheduled(event: ScheduledEvent, env: Env, ctx: ExecutionContext) {
    return await handleScheduled(event, env, ctx, config, (schedule) => {
        .run(async () => {
          // Some task that runs every day at midnight UTC

In addition to arbitrary tasks, you can also schedule Jobs:

schedule.job(new MyJob()).weeklyOn(1, "8:00");

Schedule Frequency Options

You can use the following methods to define the frequency of your scheduled tasks:

everyMinute()Runs the task every minute
hourly()Runs the task every hour
daily()Runs the task every day at midnight UTC
dailyAt('13:00')Runs the task every day at the at 13:00 UTC
weekly()Runs the task every week at midnight UTC on Sunday
weeklyOn(1, '13:00')Runs the task every Monday at 13:00 UTC
monthly()Runs the task every month at midnight UTC on the first day of the month
monthlyOn(1, '13:00')Runs the task on the first day of the month at 13:00 UTC
yearly()Runs the task every year at midnight UTC on January 1st

More Advanced Scheduling Options

If you need a more specific scheduling interval, you can manually validate the current time in your codebase or define a custom cron trigger schedule in your Wrangler config file:

schedule.run(async () => {
  if (isTheSecondTuesdayDuringAFullMoon(new Date(event.scheduledTime))) {
    // Run your quirky task here

You can also choose to import a Date library like Luxon to make it easier to work with dates and timezones. This isn't included by default in Superflare because this is a heavy dependency, and it would slow down the invocation of every worker request.

Testing Scheduled Tasks

To test your scheduled tasks, can open a browser visit /__scheduled. This will fire the scheduled function of your worker entrypoint.

File Storage (R2)